by Millie Gonzalez My name is Millie Gonzalez and I am a Social Work student at Lehman College, currently doing my internship with the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’ Helping Pets and People in Crisis pilot program. When I began my journey to become a social worker, I had every intention of dedicating my future career to working with young …

Social Work Intern Helps Pets and People in Crisis Read more »

    Voices of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals by Steve Gruber, Director of Communications As Hurricane Irene ripped up the coast heading for New York City late last week, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals was preparing city’s animals. Along with partner organizations in the Animal Planning Task Force (APTF) of the NYC Office of Emergency Management (OEM), we …

Mayor’s Alliance Responds to Hurricane Irene to Help NYC’s Animals Read more »

    Voices of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals by Evon Handras, Director of Administrative Services “Boo Boo got out last night at about 1:30. I looked for him and couldn’t find him.” I awoke the morning after Memorial Day to the note from a family member placed strategically in front of the coffee maker. It was scrawled in faded …

Where’s Boo Boo? I Wish I Knew. Read more »