Everyone appreciates David Glicksman's volunteer efforts on behalf of companion animals. (Photo by Devon Santoro)

by Thea Feldman A self-proclaimed lifelong animal fan, David Glicksman says he had no idea how much his life was going to change when he decided to attend a meeting for new volunteers for the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals in 2010. He was so impressed with the organization and its Coordinator of Events and Training, Barbra Tolan, that he …

David Glicksman: “Triple Threat” Volunteer Extraordinaire Read more »

One of the adoption rooms, complete with overhead catwalk, redesigned to reflect the founder's dream of providing a home-like atmosphere for homeless cats. (Photo by Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals)

by Thea Feldman The Patricia H. Ladew Foundation, a Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’S Animals participating organization located in Oyster Bay, Long Island, celebrated its grand reopening with an afternoon party and tour of its newly renovated shelter. The multi-floor house, which has been a sanctuary for homeless cats since the late Patricia H. Ladew, an ardent cat lover, bought the …

A Grand Reopening for a Grand Cat Shelter Read more »

(Photo by Mike Phillips)

The 60-day trial period to evaluate and iron out the details for ongoing care of the feral cat colony at St. James Church in lower Manhattan has concluded. As each of the church’s objections was heard and addressed, a satisfactory arrangement has been found for the peaceful coexistence of all concerned — excepting, of course, the banished rodent population! During …

Trial Period Ends with Permission Granted for Feral Cats to Be Fed on Church Property Read more »

    Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals® Launches Multi-Borough Spay/Neuter Ad Campaign New York, NY – Monday April 23, 2012 – New Yorkers proudly proclaim, “We Did It in the BRONX!,” “We Did It in BROOKLYN!,” and “We Did It in QUEENS!” in a new public service ad campaign urging all pet owners to spay and neuter their furry four-legged friends. …

We Did It in NEW YORK CITY! Read more »

(Photo by Maggie O'Neill)

The Archdiocese of New York agreed to work with the NYC Feral Cat Initiative (NYCFCI) of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals to restore daily care and feeding to the colony of eight feral cats living at the historic St. James Church in lower Manhattan. During a sixty-day trial period, a suitable feeding station and shelters for the cats will …

Agreement Reached to Allow Cats to Remain at St. James Church Read more »