Sizzling summer temperatures also pose threats to pets Monday, June 30, 2014 – New York, NY – With the Fourth of July right around the corner and the Farmers’ Almanac predicting a hot and humid summer in New York City, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals advises pet owners to take precautions to keep their furry friends safe from …

Protect Your Pets from Fourth of July Fireworks & Other Summer Hazards Read more »

    It’s almost here: Maddie’s® Pet Adoption Days, the biggest FREE pet adoption event in the country! Created by Maddie’s Fund® and presented in New York City by the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, the two-day 2014 Maddie’s Pet Adoption Days in NYC is expected to be even bigger and better than last year’s event, when more than 3,000 dogs …

America’s Biggest FREE Pet Adoption Event Returns to NYC May 31 & June 1! Read more »

Thursday, March 13, 2014 This time, an explosion rocked East Harlem. Two buildings collapsed and hundreds of families were displaced on Wednesday due to a gas leak. On Thursday, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals stepped in* to help pet owners rescue their beloved animals from the adjacent buildings. Each family was given only a few minutes to fetch what …

Alliance Responds and Rescues Pets Stranded by East Harlem Explosion Read more »

New York City is wrapping up an extremely cold and snowy winter, which made staying warm and safe challenging for everyone, but especially so for the city’s stray and feral community cats. When the temperatures plummet and the streets turn cold and wet, an outdoor cat seeks the warmest shelter it can find. Unfortunately, that sometimes happens to be under …

Winter Weather Hazards Threaten Cats (and Dogs) Read more »

    The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals urges New Yorkers to check for animals taking cover before starting car engines Thursday, January 16, 2014 – New York, NY – With the cold weather underway, New Yorkers need to take special precautions to ensure the safety of small animals, especially cats, who live outdoors. These animals often seek shelter and warmth …

Cold-Weather Precautions to Keep Outdoor Cats Safe Read more »