Free spay/neuter surgeries for rabbits will be provided by appointment on Saturday, April 5, 2014, at the Humane Society of New York Animal Clinic Tuesday, March 25, 2014 – New York, NY – Easter bunnies are not a happy bunch. Nor, in many cases, are the families that acquire them. Taking care of rabbits and socializing them takes a lot …

Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals and Humane Society of New York Team Up to Offer FREE Spay/Neuter Clinic for Rabbits Read more »

    4th Annual Architects for Animals: Giving Shelter Thursday, January 30, 2014 – New York, NY – More of New York City’s outdoor community cats will be safe and warm this winter thanks to the unique and ingenious shelters unveiled today at the Steelcase Showroom. Designed and donated by architects from nine top New York firms, the shelters are the …

Architects Create Innovative Shelters to Protect NYC’s Outdoor “Community” Cats from the Bitter Cold Read more »

    The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals urges New Yorkers to check for animals taking cover before starting car engines Thursday, January 16, 2014 – New York, NY – With the cold weather underway, New Yorkers need to take special precautions to ensure the safety of small animals, especially cats, who live outdoors. These animals often seek shelter and warmth …

Cold-Weather Precautions to Keep Outdoor Cats Safe Read more »

    Light a Candle on September 26 to Help Raise Awareness About the Plight of Homeless Animals New York, NY – Monday, September 23, 2013 – The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals is joining the Helen Woodward Animal Center, Maddie’s Corner, pet lovers, and animal welfare organizations across the globe to mark the first annual Remember Me Thursday. This international …

Light a Candle for Homeless Pets on Remember Me Thursday Read more »

    Celebrity Animal Lovers Unite with Rescue Facilities Across the Globe to Shine a Light on Orphan Pets Rancho Santa Fe, CA – Monday, September 16, 2013 – Helen Woodward Animal Center is uniting with animal lovers and animal welfare organizations globally in a Remember Me Thursday candle-lighting ceremony. The candles, lit on the exact same day across the world, …

The Stars Align in Support of the 1st Annual Remember Me Thursday Candle Lighting Ceremony Read more »