On August 22, 2012, the New York City Council unanimously passed Intro 918, amending the administrative code of the City of New York relating to trap-neuter-return (TNR) information and activities in New York City. The new guidelines amend Local Law 59, passed in 2011, by calling for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOH) to post and maintain on …

Education, Not Regulation, Characterizes New Law Affecting TNR in New York City Read more »

(Photo by Mike Phillips)

The 60-day trial period to evaluate and iron out the details for ongoing care of the feral cat colony at St. James Church in lower Manhattan has concluded. As each of the church’s objections was heard and addressed, a satisfactory arrangement has been found for the peaceful coexistence of all concerned — excepting, of course, the banished rodent population! During …

Trial Period Ends with Permission Granted for Feral Cats to Be Fed on Church Property Read more »

(Photo by Maggie O'Neill)

The Archdiocese of New York agreed to work with the NYC Feral Cat Initiative (NYCFCI) of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals to restore daily care and feeding to the colony of eight feral cats living at the historic St. James Church in lower Manhattan. During a sixty-day trial period, a suitable feeding station and shelters for the cats will …

Agreement Reached to Allow Cats to Remain at St. James Church Read more »

(Photo by Jake Remington)

We have received many calls and e-mails from people expressing concern about the changes in funding for spay/neuter for community cats in New York City. It appears that many people have reacted to erroneous information that has been communicated by different sources. We’d like to provide some clarification. In 2011, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals acquired a one-year grant …

Community Cats Spay/Neuter Funding: A Clarification Read more »

Please thank them and ask them to let this managed colony stay! First and foremost, since our last update to you, we can report that the valiant caretakers are getting some food to the cats, but of course this is not how a colony should be cared for, as you all know. We are not putting the cats’ health in …

Archdiocese of New York Agrees to Meet to Discuss the St. James Church Cat Situation Read more »