Toby is back with his family now. But it wouldn’t have happened were it not for the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’ Helping Pets and People in Crisis program. For the last five years, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals has been on the frontlines, assisting hundreds of pet owners facing crises such as domestic violence. Since domestic violence shelters …

Family and Dog Escape Domestic Violence and Reunite Through Alliance Program Read more »

by Millie Gonzalez My name is Millie Gonzalez and I am a Social Work student at Lehman College, currently doing my internship with the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’ Helping Pets and People in Crisis pilot program. When I began my journey to become a social worker, I had every intention of dedicating my future career to working with young …

Social Work Intern Helps Pets and People in Crisis Read more »

Efforts in New York City to create safe havens for victims of domestic violence and their pets was the subject of a New York Daily News article published on Saturday, January 28. According to the article, prepared by Daily News reporter Amy Sacks, nearly 85 percent of women who enter domestic abuse shelters report that their batterers had threatened, injured, …

Help for Victims of Domestic Violence and Their Pets Read more »