Animals often present a major barrier to seeking support and assistance for victims of domestic violence, and fear for the safety of pets in violent households can cause abuse victims to remain in dangerous situations. As part of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals‘ Helping Pets and People in Crisis program, the Marion Dougherty Safe Haven Fund was created specifically …

Donations Provide for Pets in NYC Domestic Violence Shelters Read more »

More than a year ago, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals learned about Peppa, a young polka-dotted Chihuahua whose family was fleeing domestic violence. The mom and young children were desperate to keep their beloved dog. With nowhere to go with Peppa, they initially tried hiding her in a car near the emergency shelter where they were staying. As it …

Fund Helps Peppa Reunite with Family for the Holidays Read more »

    During October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, your donation to this program will be doubled up to our goal of $3,000! The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals Helping Pets and People in Crisis program aims to reduce pet relinquishment to the City’s overcrowded shelters. Finding innovative ways to keep families and pets together is a key initiative of this program, …

Invest in a Safe Future for Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets Read more »

Thursday, March 13, 2014 This time, an explosion rocked East Harlem. Two buildings collapsed and hundreds of families were displaced on Wednesday due to a gas leak. On Thursday, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals stepped in* to help pet owners rescue their beloved animals from the adjacent buildings. Each family was given only a few minutes to fetch what …

Alliance Responds and Rescues Pets Stranded by East Harlem Explosion Read more »

Monday, July 29, 2013 – New York, NY – Marion Dougherty, the legendary Hollywood casting director, is helping protect domestic violence victims and their pets, even after her passing. Her estate has donated $80,000 to the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals to establish the Marion Dougherty Safe Haven Fund to help victims of domestic violence and their pets to find …

Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals Launches Marion Dougherty Safe Haven Fund to Assist Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets Read more »