Have you ever considered adopting a rescued rabbit? Rabbits can be wonderful companion animals for adopters who understand how to properly care for them. This month, Adopt-A-Rescued-Rabbit Month, just might be the perfect time for you to bring a new bunny into your family…or bring in a companion for a rabbit you already share your life with. Find out …

Is There a Bunny in Your Future? February is Adopt-A-Rescued-Rabbit Month Read more »

    New York, NY – Tuesday, February 15, 2012 – The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’® sixth annual I Love NYC Pets Month is in full swing, with a full month dedicated to celebrating the joys of sharing life with a pet. In keeping with the Mayor’s Alliance’s goals of increasing pet adoptions and transforming New York City into a …

Join the Sixth Annual Celebrations for Mayor’s Alliance’s I Love NYC Pets Month Read more »

    Every February, in honor of Valentine’s Day, the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals presents I Love NYC Pets Month to shine a spotlight on New York City’s homeless animals and encourage more people to adopt a furry family member. This year, we hope you’ll join us in three special ways… Share Your Love! Enter the I Love NYC Pets …

Celebrate I Love NYC Pets Month with the Mayor’s Alliance! Read more »

    For those of you who have been following reports about last week’s suicide of actor Nick Santino after having his dog, Rocco, euthanized on Nick’s 47th birthday in reaction to alleged harassment by building management following the enactment of strict new dog regulations in his Upper West Side condo apartment building, we offer the following information. Animal Farm Foundation …

Help Prevent Future Breed Ban Tragedies Read more »

    by Denise Kelly, Avian Welfare Coalition Time flies! This January 5 marks the tenth anniversary of National Bird Day, a day of action aimed at raising awareness to the plight of captive birds. Coordinated by Born Free USA and the Avian Welfare Coalition (AWC), National Bird Day is a good time to appreciate our native birds flying free outside …

Mayor’s Alliance Efforts Highlight the Care of Birds in NYC Shelters Read more »