Dear Supporters: No-Kill New York City is in sight. We’ve mapped out exactly how to get there, and we hope you’ll join the road trip to a NYC where no healthy or treatable cat or dog is killed merely because he or she is homeless. Our Wheels of Hope fleet of vans clocked almost 600,000 miles this year, transporting …

Join the Road Trip to No-Kill NYC! Read more »

    Dear Supporters: Brody’s story is one that will go down in history — thanks to your ongoing support. When we met Brody at the Animal Care & Control of NYC (AC&C) Manhattan shelter, he suffered from entropion, a painful condition in which the eyelid folds inward. With no adopter in sight, time was running out for this sweet Bullmastiff …

Shouting Out With Glee — Thanks to You! Read more »

    More Exciting News About the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’ Holiday Pet Adoption Extravaganza, December 17 & 18 New York, NY – Friday, December 9, 2011 – Whiskers in Wonderland® is just around the corner, and the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals® has announced exciting additions to the event’s program. This annual holiday pet adoption extravaganza takes place from …

A Magical Weekend of Pet Adoptions and Unusual Holiday Fun! Read more »

    “A person is the best thing to happen to a shelter pet. Be that person.” That’s the tagline for a new round of colorful and humorous ads from The Shelter Pet Project that recently rolled out across the country. The Shelter Pet Project is a nationwide public service advertising campaign, launched in 2009, that dispels myths about shelter pets …

The Shelter Pet Project Launches Next Wave of PSAs Read more »