Now if your pet goes missing, he’s more likely to find his way home. New York, NY – Thursday, June 28, 2012 – The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals®, ASPCA® (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), and Animal Care & Control of NYC (AC&C) have joined forces to create a new lost-and-found program to ensure that …

Innovative Lost & Found Program Hastens Pet/Owner Reunification in NYC Read more »

(Photo by Krista Menzel)

by Holly Reich, New York Daily News Wednesday, June 27, 2012 Debbie Fierro grew up in what she describes as the “hub” of Paterson, NJ, in a house full of six kids, love, laughter and lots of animals. “We made sure we always had food and shelter for the many strays we brought home. My father, known to be one …

Big Town Big Heart: An Animal Lover Who Always Has Room for One More Read more »

(Photo by Mike Phillips)

The 60-day trial period to evaluate and iron out the details for ongoing care of the feral cat colony at St. James Church in lower Manhattan has concluded. As each of the church’s objections was heard and addressed, a satisfactory arrangement has been found for the peaceful coexistence of all concerned — excepting, of course, the banished rodent population! During …

Trial Period Ends with Permission Granted for Feral Cats to Be Fed on Church Property Read more »

Health and Safety Clinics Offer Free Vaccinations, Microchipping, and ID Tags for Cats and Dogs in Brooklyn and the Bronx Be a responsible pet owner. Have your dog or cat vaccinated—it’s required by law in New York City. Also, increase the chance that you can be reunited with your lost pet by having him/her microchipped, and receive a free ID …

Keep Your Pets Healthy and Safe This Summer Read more »

    by Mike Phillips, NYC Feral Cat Initiative Spring has sprung and, as we approach the summer heat and you’re providing wet food again now that it isn’t freezing solid within minutes, there are some simple and practical ways to make your feral cat feeding stations pest-free. Slugs Gardeners know that slugs will not cross copper, so we can use …

Slugs and Ants and Flies, Oh MY! Read more »