Pet Owners Urged to Develop Emergency Plan Note: The Mayor’s Alliance is compiling a list of potential volunteers who we will call upon, if needed, to assist in NYC’s emergency response efforts. If you would like to be included on the list, please send your full name, phone number(s), and e-mail address to We will reach out to …

NYC Animal Welfare Agencies Deploy Responders in Preparation for Hurricane Irene Read more »

    New York, NY – Wednesday, August 17, 2011 – The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals®, and NYCLASS™ (New Yorkers for Clean, Livable & Safe Streets) expressed support today for a legislative package (Intro. 655) that would improve New York City’s animal shelter system by: Requiring animal receiving …

ASPCA, Mayor’s Alliance, NYCLASS Support Legislation Restoring Programs and Services to City’s Animal Shelters Read more »

    Many of us take our cars for granted: they run with a few oil changes, the occasional tire rotation, and some gas (while we swear at the pump as the dollars roll up…up…and up). When they are in the shop it’s an inconvenience and an unexpected expense. For the most part, we rely on cars to get our errands …

A Special Message from Connie Shannon, Mayor’s Alliance Wheels of Hope Transport Coordinator Read more »

    As a result of the agreement reached this week to enhance services for New York City’s shelter animals, we’re pleased to announce that TNR has been included as an accepted solution to free-roaming cat overpopulation! The agreement was announced on July 27, 2011, by City of New York officials and animal welfare groups. Mayor Bloomberg, Speaker Quinn, Council Member …

A Bright Future for TNR in NYC Read more »

    Plan Will Add Staff, Expand Receiving Hours, Increase Stray Animal Pick-up, Reduce Feral Cat Populations Through Increased Trap-Neuter-Return Programs, Increase Dog Licensing New York, NY – Wednesday, July 27, 2011 – Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, Council Member Jessica Lappin, New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley, Animal Care & Control of NYC (AC&C), …

City of NYC, AC&C, ASPCA, and Mayor’s Alliance Announce Agreement to Enhance Services for Shelter Animals Read more »