2010 Progress Report

In 2010, euthanasia at AC&C continued to drop, thanks in large part to the number of transfers of cats and dogs from AC&C to its New Hope rescue partners.



A stubborn economy and dramatically reduced budgets at Animal Care & Control of NYC (AC&C) have challenged, but not deterred, our continuing progress to reduce the euthanasia of healthy and treatable cats and dogs at AC&C shelters. In 2010, euthanasia at AC&C continued to drop, thanks in large part to the number of transfers of cats and dogs from AC&C to its New Hope rescue partners.

Our year-end results for 2010 — Year Six of the Maddie’s® Pet Rescue Project in NYC, and the sixth year that we have successfully met our goals in reducing euthanasia — underscore the power of collaboration among the more than 100 Maddie’s® Pet Partners (MPPs), including AC&C, that have remained focused on our lifesaving goal. Among the highlights of our progress in 2010:

Fewer animals were killed.
For the first time in New York City’s history, euthanasia of cats and dogs at our city shelters fell below 12,000. Seventy percent fewer dogs (3,775) were euthanized at AC&C shelters last year compared to 2003, when well over 12,000 dogs were euthanized, and 60 percent fewer cats (7,847), as compared to 19,487 in 2003.

While too many animals are still being killed, we are steadily moving toward our goal. Since 2003, the total number of lives saved at AC&C is 136,587 cats and dogs.

Transfers continued to be the primary factor in saving lives.
Close to 15,500 dogs and cats, representing more than 43 percent of the animals entering AC&C shelters in 2010, were transferred to partner shelters and rescue groups for adoption. More than 8,000 animals were transported from AC&C to other organizations on our Wheels of Hope transport vans.

Adoptions remained robust.
In 2010, adoptions by MPPs, including AC&C, totaled more than 26,000, representing over 59 percent of the total intake by community partners, compared to less then 57 percent the previous year.

More lives are being saved.
Approximately 23,800 dogs and cats from AC&C were adopted, transferred to other shelters and rescue groups, or returned to their owners in 2010. Close to three out of every four lives were saved, as compared with one out of three in 2003. Since our project began in 2005, 196,860 dogs’ and cats’ lives have been saved through the combined efforts of AC&C and MPPs.

Saving more treatable dogs and cats.
Continuing to reduce euthanasia at AC&C demands that we save more of the cats and dogs who arrive at AC&C shelters with injuries and other medical conditions that require treatment. In 2010, we reduced the number of treatable cats and dogs euthanized at AC&C by 20 percent since 2009 — down 38 percent since 2003. Through our Picasso Veterinary Fund and other medical assistance programs, close to 1,000 cats and dogs received medical care to prepare them for adoption. The Picasso Veterinary Fund, which is dedicated to providing treatment for sick and injured cats and dogs from AC&C, is supported entirely by private donations.

Spay/neuter programs remain aggressive.
Reducing the number of animal births in NYC continues to be a priority in our lifesaving mission, and key to our success in this area is ensuring the availability of free and low-cost spay/neuter services. In 2010, total spay/neuter surgeries performed by private veterinarians and non-profit organizations that participate in the Maddie’s Spay/Neuter Project in NYC totaled over 55,000, with the ASPCA alone providing close to 33,000 spay/neuter surgeries.

TNR for our community cats.
The New York City Feral Cat Initiative continued in 2010 to provide training, assistance, and information to the growing community of feral cat caretakers in NYC who are performing Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) to humanely reduce the number of feral and stray cats in New York City and decrease the number of cats and kittens being brought to AC&C shelters. In 2010, 584 individuals participated in our TNR workshops, bringing the total number of trained TNR caretakers to 3,186 since April 2001.

Our continuing success in saving lives in New York City is a result of the collaboration of our dedicated rescue groups and shelters; the faith and crucial funding support we receive from Maddie’s Fund and the ASPCA, and others; and the generosity and caring of the thousands of New Yorkers who adopt from a shelter or rescue group each year.

GuideStar Platinum Participant

The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN: 73-1653635). All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. A copy of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’ latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.