Paul Santell (a.k.a. Paul the Cat Guy), a Certified TNR Caretaker who does Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) work with feral and stray cats in Astoria and other areas of Queens, has been able to help hundreds of cats this year with support from the NYC Feral Cat Initiative (NYCFCI) of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals.
Paul credits the NYCFCI with “helping me progress as a rescuer.” The staff of the NYCFCI “has always made time to assist me, whether it is with advice on caring for feral cats both pre- and post-op, arranging for emergency vet visits, supplying food for cats in need, and even fostering and socializing some tough rescue kittens of mine.”
In addition, Paul uses the Alliance’s Wheels of Hope to transport cats to and from the ASPCA spay/neuter clinic. While he can fit four cats in traps in his own car, a Wheels of Hope van can transport more than three times that number. Paul explains that without the Alliance it would have taken many more months for him to TNR the cats in his community. Skittles (pictured at left) is just one of the many felines who is thankful for Paul’s rescue and TNR efforts.
Our Life-Saving Initiatives Need Your Support This Holiday Season!
The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’ programs strengthen the operations of our community rescue partners to help them save the lives of more homeless pets and feral and stray community cats. Our shared mission is to transform New York City into a more humane community, where no dog or cat of reasonable health or temperament is killed merely because he or she does not have a home.
Our vision is now a reality for tens of thousands of NYC’s animals each year. With your help, we can save even more precious lives in 2016!
Please consider making a one-time or recurring tax-deductible donation to support the critical programs and services that have helped save more than 275,000 animals since 2003.