“If the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals didn’t help me, I would not have gone to the hospital,” says Petra Sanchez. She recently developed an infection related to diabetes that required hospitalization, but because she could not find anyone willing to take care of her two cats, BooBoo and Little Boo, she was reluctant to be away from home to get the treatment she needed.
When the Alliance heard about Petra’s situation, our Helping Pets and People in Crisis program quickly found temporary care for both cats. The Alliance created this program in response to the many requests we receive from people who are facing heartbreaking separation from their pets during times of crisis. Knowing that her cats would be well taken care of and then returned to her once she came home gave Petra the peace of mind she needed to go into the hospital.
Within two weeks Petra was back home and so were her cats. Petra says, “If it weren’t for the Mayor’s Alliance, I would not have known what to do.”
Our Life-Saving Initiatives Need Your Support This Holiday Season!
The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals’ programs strengthen the operations of our community rescue partners to help them save the lives of more homeless pets and feral and stray community cats. Our shared mission is to transform New York City into a more humane community, where no dog or cat of reasonable health or temperament is killed merely because he or she does not have a home.
Our vision is now a reality for tens of thousands of NYC’s animals each year. With your help, we can save even more precious lives in 2016!
Please consider making a one-time or recurring tax-deductible donation to support the critical programs and services that have helped save more than 275,000 animals since 2003.