Kathleen O’Malley, Becky Robinson, and Mike Phillips present the first ‘Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and Colony Care Workshop’ at the ASPCA Midtown Offices on July 20, 2014. (Photo by Maureen Smith)Congratulations and thanks to Becky Robinson and Alley Cat Allies for 25 amazing years of advocating for feral and stray community cats! Your excellent educational and outreach efforts have been key in bringing the facts about Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and community cats into the public spotlight. Your hands-on work with colonies such as the Boardwalk Cats of Atlantic City serve as models of how community cats can thrive in their environments. You’ve improved the lives of untold thousands of community cats both directly and indirectly. The NYC Feral Cat Initiative of the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals is proud to be a partner of Alley Cat Allies, together with the ASPCA, to design the new TNR certification workshop program launched in 2014. Concerned people now have more options than ever for learning how to care for community cats. May the next 25 years bring even greater awareness and compassion for community cats among the general public, and many more model colonies.