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Help Prevent Future Breed Ban Tragedies


Nick Santino and RoccoFor those of you who have been following reports about last week’s suicide of actor Nick Santino after having his dog, Rocco, euthanized on Nick’s 47th birthday in reaction to alleged harassment by building management following the enactment of strict new dog regulations in his Upper West Side condo apartment building, we offer the following information.

Animal Farm Foundation will lead a peaceful vigil to remember Nick, Rocco, and all victims of canine discrimination on Saturday, February 4, 2012, from 4:00 until 5:00 p.m., at Dante Park at the intersection of Columbus Avenue, Broadway, and West 63rd Street, New York, NY. We will march down West 64th Street past 1 Lincoln Plaza, the building where Mr. Santino and Rocco lived. For more information, please view the event listing or contact Kim at kwolf@animalfarmfoundation.org.

New York State has a law that prohibits municipalities from enacting breed specific legislation (BSL). Private property owners, however, still are able to enforce pet, breed, and size bans in their buildings.

While last week’s tragedy might be an extreme example of the consequences of breed discrimination, tragedies occur every day when people have to surrender their pets because of pet or breed bans.

If you want to speak out for change, contact the New York City Council.

For more information and resources concerning pets in housing in NYC, visit our Legal Resources for People with Pets page.