We’re pleased to announce Maddie’s® Spay/Neuter Project for Stray Community Cats in NYC, a new program sponsored by Maddie’s Fund for feral and stray cats in New York City that offers free spay/neuter by participating private practice veterinarians throughout the city. You must be certified in Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) to be eligible to use this program. To be certified, you must have completed either the Neighborhood Cats in-person workshop or the HSUS online course, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR): How to Manage a Feral Cat Colony.
Once certified, you will be eligible to use the private practice veterinarians who participate in the Maddie’s® Spay/Neuter Project for Stray Community Cats in NYC. The surgery and left eartip are provided at no charge under this new spay/neuter program.