(Photo by Marc Birnbach)

TNR Workshops & Webinars

Our workshops are designed to engage, educate, and support colony caretakers and the public on community cat issues and Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in the New York City area.

(Photo by Krista Menzel)

TNR Certification Workshops

Attending a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) certification workshop is the first step you should take to gain the knowledge and skills needed to help the feral and stray community cats in your area. Upon completion of the workshop, you will become a Certified TNR Caretaker and be eligible for free and low-cost services and support in the New York City area.

(Photo by Marc Birnbach)

TNR Specialty Training Workshops & Webinars

In addition to becoming Certified TNR Caretakers, we encourage New York City area residents who are interested in helping feral and stray community cats to attend our free in-person workshops and online webinars giving in-depth instruction on various specialties related to TNR and the care of cats and kittens.

Alley Cat Allies Webinars

Alley Cat Allies Webinars

Alley Cat Allies offers live and recorded webinars on a variety of topics to teach individuals and groups how to help protect cats’ lives. Visit their website to view their upcoming webinar calendar and webinar library.